“Ten minutes.” — Echo of Silence from Lilah’s POV, installment #2

Here is another installment of Echo of Silence scenes from Lilah’s POV.

“Put a team together and get on it,” I told Pritchard. “Just keep me updated, and let me know if you need my help.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Karlton demanded.
I cut my eyes to him, locking onto his gaze. His face was full of challenge and arrogance. This little fucker seriously needed taken down a peg or ten.
“Agent Pritchard, can you leave us alone for a moment so we can talk?” I asked, my eyes not leaving Rob’s.
Jason hesitated, glancing at Rob. When we said nothing, he left the office and shut the door.
“Wow, but we just met,” Karlton quipped.
Oh my god…Ten minutes. That’s all it would take — ten minutes alone with the cocky little shit head… If only.
“You just think you’re Mister Hot Shot, don’t you?” I asked. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, remaining silent.
Sitting down, I leaned back in my chair, studying him for a long moment, assessing him. He was good looking; I’d give him that much. He was rocking that suit pretty well and something told me he probably looked pretty damn good out of it. But that smug smile that never seemed to leave his fucking face… ugh. No. His shit wasn’t going to fly with me, and he needed to figure that out asap.
“Robert Karlton,” I said. “University of Pennsylvania graduate with a degree in criminal justice, law school drop-out, Pittsburgh uniform for a little over a year before joining the FBI. You’ve been with the Bureau for less than four years and already you’ve managed to fuck it up.”
“Congratulations,” he said dryly. “Would you like a cookie?”
I smiled slowly. “I know who you are and I know your reputation.”
“Darn, and here I had hoped you’d go out with me.”
“Oh, that wasn’t the reputation I was referring, although I’ve heard about that one too. I was thinking more along the lines of Carlos Rodriguez.”
His face flushed white and then red in two seconds flat as his jaw tightened.
“You have no right to talk about that,” he spat out.
“Fine,” I said. “We won’t talk about it. Let’s talk about this – I’ve heard about the crap you’re allowed to get away with around here. Don’t expect it to continue.”
“Are you always this pleasant or is it just me?”
“I’m always this pleasant.”
“Good to know.”
“Go meet up with Jason,” I said, sitting upright.
Rob audibly exhaled. May have been a little mean, but at least he wasn’t wearing that insolent little smile anymore. “So does that mean I’m allowed on this case?”
“That’s Jason’s decision. But if he chooses to put you on his team, you’ll be his responsibility.”
“I’d rather be your responsibility,” he retorted.
Oh, kid…you have no idea who you’re talking to. “Be careful what you wish for.”

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